Charleen Garcia Salazar Review: Size 7 Soulshine Cream (Hemp)

First impression, in hand, it has nice texture, airiness and it feels thinner in comparison to a cotton or linen ABW wrap. It doesnt have that "blankety" feel to it. After first wash, it feels like it needs to be broken in, just a little, very slightly scratchy........but after 48 hours, it's soft, floppy and zero scratchiness.

It's easy to wrap with. Being on the thinner side make tightening a breeze. The texture helps to hold passes in place. Its grippy, but not too grippy. After multiple front and back carries, there is no sagging, sliding or digging with my 20 lb lil guy.

After looking closely at the weft fiber, I love it's natural, organic feel. There are little impurities in the hemp that make it quite unique.

I know I'm supposed to talk about the good and the bad qualities......but like all other apple blossom wraps, the bad are almost nonexistent. The only minor negative quality is the short breaking in period.

Overall it's an amazing wrap both aesthetically and functionally. I highly recommend this blend for beginner wrapper and experienced wrappers alike."

{Four photos of a light skinned, dark haired woman with teal glasses wearing a red and black plaid dress. The woman is wearing her light skinned male infant in a front carry using a woven wrap with shades of purple, pink, yellow, orange and cream. The fifth photo is looking down at the long tails of the same wrap.}

Photography by Chloe Rose (age 6)

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