Brittany Brown Marsh Review: Size 7 Linen Blend

Review by Britt Brown Marsh Blog

Blend: 25% Linen / 75% Cotton

So a little while back, I learned about Apple Blossom Wovens through a discussion on longer wraps for plus sized wearers. Shortly following the discussion, Lisa (owner) and I chatted and let me know that they would be offering size 8 wraps which is my base size! I was absolutely THRILLED! She mentioned that she had a size 7 linen sample floating around and that I could try it if I wanted. Of course I said yes. It is rare that a company sends out a size 7 sample for review. When the linen blend Evening Flame sample arrived I was absolutely floored by how SOFT it was. I have never felt a linen blend that was this soft. I actually had to check again to make sure the wrap was machine woven because it reminded me of a handwoven!

I quickly put Maxine (3ft, 30lbs) in a double hammock tied at the shoulder. It was basically like clouds on my shoulders. The wrap molded to us well. The wrap was grippier than expected which was great since I like to do sloppy wrap jobs and this definitely held everything in place. The slipknot did not budge for me once I tightened it in place.

Evening Flame linen was stretchy but supportive with Max. I enjoyed single layer front carries with her. Front Wrap Cross Carry was a favorite for her and me. She constantly asked for front uppies in this one while it visited. I really enjoyed the stretch in the wrap because I could eek out a front wrap cross carry in this base -1 size wrap.

This wrap would be great for new and experienced wrappers. It is awesome for toddlers and I bet would be good with smaller babies as well. It is just a little wide for little babies.


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